Tuesday, December 9, 2008
God's timing...
Sooo...housing here is a pressing need. I decided to take the money for a vehicle and use it to help build housing on SAM Center for singles (SOMETHING MUCH NEEDED!!!). I then had heard that a missionary couple from another organization had decided not to return as missionaries and had decided to sell their stuff. Having already made up my mind with my money - I didn't really pay attention to the fact they had a 1998 White Nissan 4X4 dual cab - duel fuel (gas and propane) for sale for $11,500. God had to kinda do his thing to get me to notice the truck and actually see it was a possibility. Sooo...I checked the $$$ with SAM - and I had enough, though it was going to take my account almost dangerously low. I sought council and advice for experienced missionaries and they told me to buy it. Soooo...with the monies raised over support raising time and the $5,000 gift from Willow Creek Baptist Church in Crowely, Texas I am in the process of purchasing a "new" truck!
I just find it funny how I had made up my mind to go in another direction and God totally turned things around on me.....I know this was from the Lord. Thank you all who have, are, and will in the future support me here in Peru.
Mucho Love!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Realizing Where I Am....
I was quickly running...with teaching at the school, starting up the missionary kid youth group, and working at Mil Palmeras (our church plant of 300). My job is to be the missions pastor and I am looking at getting missions classes and such started soon and having that transition into actual local projects and then to other cities and eventually other countries. Since I have been here (2 months) I have taught three classes on "sects/false religions" 2 classes on Mormonism and 1 class on the prosperity gospel. Last Sunday 11/9, was a historical day for me as I preached my frist sermon in Spanish (twice). I am also slotted to preach on 11/23 and 12/7. Exciting huh....keep reading!
There is nothing like being where GOD has called you to be EVEN in the midst of resistance and oppostion. Last week as I was preparing my sermon and such..."things" started happening in the house and such. One night about 10:30pm I was downstairs - my roomates had already gone to bed...and the upstairs shower comes on and I noticed and evil presence in the hosue - so I go upstairs - pray, and turn it off. Come back down and continue my NCAA football game (the nerve to interupt my game!!) Ten minutes later...it happened again. I went back upstairs and turned it off. Yep, ten minutes later...it happened again. Prayed (had been) and prayed some more...then, I took a shower! And went to bed. It happened the next two nights. It never has happened before...nor has it happend since.
I also "lost" my keys for my motocylce three days - and on Sunday morning...happen to find them in shorts I was had not been wearing the day I lost them. Also that week...one time...I walked by my big floor fan and it turned off by itself...brown outs here are common...but we still had power!
Many of you have asked how to pray for me and the ministry here. Here is a snap shot of the resistance that is beginning and I believe will continue. I am not scared, frightened, spooked or anything...not at all...God already has taught me not to fear this. So...would pray for the ministry here in Peru.
Please pray for:
- Salvations
- The understanding of Missions
- Personal growth in the lives of those that attend Mil Palmeras
- Wisdom (for me)
- Anything else the Lord lays on your heart!
Thank you so much!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Yum Yum - MANGOES!!!
We are just beginning our mango season here! There are several kind of trees that produce different kinds of mangoes - the best are the kind without the fiber inside...oh-so-good!! I will put some pics of some mangoes that I took near my house this afternoon. I also am putting up a pic of my scooter I bought last month - nice wheels I know! I have some missionaries interested in my little bike...so I might sell it soon and get something really cool! I'll surprise you later with a pic of "The Cholly" haa haa!
Life here is good...and even crazy at times. Now that I am here...the dust has settled and I am into a groove, I am like..."where is my helper?" I feel like I am swimming in the olympics and forgot my swimsuit in the locker room! Your swimsuit is vital part of your routine (ha haa) ...wonder where mine is? Anyhow...if you happen to think of it please pray for a wife for me!!
What an honor and a priveledge to be able to be here and share the love of Christ with people. We have been coving false religions in our Thursday night discipleship class - and I have actually taught in three of them - Mormonism and Prosperity Gospel. I also...am preaching three times in five weeks with the first one being this sunday - so if you happen to get this...please pray for me and our church. The father of lies is stirring up trouble...but God is bigger - thanks for your prayers.
Here is a group shot from left to right: Pastor Miguel (wife not here), Pastor Joel and his wife Evelyn, and Pastor Julio (wife not here), and ME (um, don't know who my wife is yet!) haa ha. We make up the Mil Palmeras staff. This photo was taken inside the church...you can see the big screen (its wood painted white) and the speakers in the background. We get about 300 on a sunday - and yep, my crazy self will be preaching here...eeeyyyy!!!!
Please pray for:
- My Spanish as I am preaching three times soon. 11/9, 11/23, and 12/7
- For strength to handle all my responsibilities
- For teams to come this year and partner with what God is doing here
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Its really hard to imagine...
I am a proud parent of a new RTM 100 - scooter! WOO HOO! Not to powerful but it did come with wheels! SO i am scooting around town now...instead of paying a taxi or walking! I do have to be careful - there have been A LOT of motorcycle thefts in the last two years and it doesn't seem to be letting up. That just means that you can't always take your bike to town - and park it and walk inside somewhere. They are not really targeting my kind of bike - but still...its good to keep aware and have a heads up!
A huge prayer request: Our pastor at Mil Palmeras races motocross competitively and fell last Sunday breaking his collar bone - though he is on the mend he can not preach. SOOO...they have asked me to help and so I am preaching three times in the next five weeks! YIKES! Sooo...please pray for me in preparation (something things in English - don't translate to Spanish) so I need a "Spanish" mind parse in preparing these messages. On top of that...for my Spanish - I can communicate...but would like to be understood as well!
I'll post a pic of my "motorcycle" later today!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Been a while!
And well...last Friday the church staff of Mil Palmeras met for 8 hours and we planned the entire 2009 year. I am going to be starting missions classes which should run about three months as we explore what is "the church" and what is the responsibility of "the church" once you are a christian! Then we are looking at beginning some projects coming as soon as March I do believe!
I have also been given some dates of importance by Mil Palmeras - To conduct a class on Mormonism on Thursday night 10/16 (ummm...thats tomororw) as well as next Thrusday 10/23! Yes, in Spanish! So...I have been researching and such for about two weeks and have a power point to share!! Please pray for this!! The pics below are of the two mormon churches here in Pucallpa...
Thank you for your time (reading this) and your prayers and support. Things are good...just there is A LOT to do!!
I will do better at getting more pics and more frequent postes up in the future!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Please pray for transportation - now I am heal/toeing it (walking) sometimes I take a moto-kar but after a while it gets a wee bit expensive - so I am looking for a cheap motorcycle/dirtbike for transportation.
I'll write more later - but just wanted to toss a word out...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The "I Almost Made It" Story
Last weekend, we (8 of us who are studying at the language school - 1 Australian, 5 Germans, and 2 Americans) decided to hike up the almost 6,000 metered (19,100ft) volcano Misti that edges Arequipa. Ummm...what were we thinking?
So...we had a guide and he had planned everything and gave us instructions. Our plan was to use both Saturday and Sunday in order to climb Misti. Arequipa sits at 8,000ft. - our drop off point was at 11,500ft. We spent about six hours climbing to the campsite which I am guessing was about 14,500 - 15,500. We had about two hours before the sun was to go down to set up our tents, prepare for the early departure in the morning as well as eat dinner.
We all were in bed by 7 pm - the temperature was dropping quickly and that was the only place that was warm. The wake up call came at 2am. We slowly stirred and got bundled up and gathered what we needed for the second half of the climb. We set out around 3am with flashlights and walking sticks. The temp was about 35 degrees.
We hiked slowly and as we got higher we hiked even slower. As we got higher it got colder and colder. Just before the sun came up at - maybe around 17,000 - it must have been in the single digits - as fingers and toes were numb. The dangers in hiking in the altitude is the sickness that can come from it. Several of us had some symptoms - though I felt fine in terms of oxygen, but my legs were really really tired. It came to the point where I balanced how I felt with how much I understood there was to climb...so at 17,500 and without ever training for any of this...I tossed in the towel and decided to save my energy and strength for the decent from 17,500 to 12,000 for later that day.
Though myself and another person of the group decided to call it a day (at 7am!) I found that this relieved the pressure of keeping up with the group and wondered if I could have made it...but just gone at my own pace - but oh well. My friend descended faster than I did because he did not feel well...so I took my time. The decent was down the ash slope of the volcano...and it was kinda like flying and landing in really soft sand with the occasional volcanic rock that I tried to surf down the slope (did it three times!) I was also able to rest and just sit over looking the city of Arequipa from 17,000 feet - I was able to rest, pray, and listen...listen to silence on a HUGE volcano...wow.
I think I would like to return and attempt again - need to train some...but making it to 17,500 feet without training or having been running...I don't think that is too bad! So...looking to gather a group and head up Misti again sometime in the future! Now it is time to pack for Pucallpa...thank you for reading and praying.
Prayer Requests:
- Pucallpa adjustment
- Continued language learning and application
- Patience as I begin to work with Peruvians solely at the church (culturally speaking)
Friday, September 5, 2008
In the above photo there are such items as a big bus - a bride and groom - a house - money - a volcano (arequipa is borderd on the east by three volcanos) to represent protection - and asortment of other things.
As we walked I began to notice these semi chared looking animals that each store was selling. I found out that these were Alpaca or Ostrich fetuses that have been killed for the purpose using them to "break" the land so your land will produce a plentiful harvest. I am told you bury them... with other items and through some ceremony your land is prepared for sewing your seed....and your harvest will be plentiful.
As we left the market out the other end...Juan Carlos asked me if I smelled anything - It was a flowery kind of smell. Now, we were walking down a close nit street - with shops and busniness everywhere. He told me that the shop owners use this type of plant to keep away the evil spirits as well as to bring in quality customers that will bring properity. We also later saw Andian women on the street selling fortune, luck, and prosperity.
I never knew any of this...that the city I lived in which is VERY catholic is and has been mixed with the traditions of the Andian religions. It is called syncratism and the two have meshed into one religion. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the people here in Arequipa and all over Peru. They need Jesus.
On a lighter note, there is evidence of the Holy Spirit's prensence here in Arequipa. I saw it just the other day as I was walking. He has a taxi service and is actively driving the streets of Arequipa! (Espirtu Santo is Holy Spirit in Spanish)!! : )
It is Friday afternoon September 5th - and tomorrow a group of 10 of us are going to hike the volcano Misiti! It will be a two day journey! Please pray for us! I will update next week about the trip with pics and stuff...and whether or not we made it to the top!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Back to Work!!
Pucallpa, Peru is on the horizon and I am very excited! I am looking to embark on three jobs (two of the three kinda blend together). I am going to be teaching high school bible as well as PE to about five kids. I am also the youth pastor to these five kids. My other job is to lead SAM's church of Mil Palmeras in the area of local missions through home projects! AREQUIPA is in southern Peru in the middle of the desert - so I am really excited to back in the land of rain and clouds again! I guess that also means muddy roads (see pic below!) This all begins on September 14th!
A huge blessing came about three weeks ago when I received a notice that a church in Texas had voted to give me $5,000. This will entirly go to help me purchase a truck - but doing some research on used truck prices - $11,000 (that amount I have) does not go very far. I am looking for more support in order to purchase a used truck in the next three months or so. If anyone knows of anyone who needs to get rid of some money...haa haa....let me know - I know where they can make a good investment! : )
Can send the "unwanted money" haa ha to:
South America Mission., INC
1021 Maxwell Mill Road, Suite B
Fort Mill, SC 29708
Phone: 803-802-8580
Last thing...I am curious if anyone is actually reading this blog - if you are...could you leave a message or email me...or even find me on facebook - please let me know!
How you can pray:
Language learning, funds for a truck, and smooth transition into ministry in mid sept.
Thanks so much!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hey Kids!
Peruvian Holiday!
July 28th is Peru's Independence Day! Everywhere there are signs saying "Feliz Fiestas Patrias!" I will stick a picture of my neighborhood here in Arequipa of all the Peru flags flying in the stiff wind we have here!
The last two days I have tagged along with Pedro and Cecila (the family I am living with and also the director of the Spanish Institute) as the family and I have traveled to some "waterfalls" about an hour away and yesterday we even made it to the beach to play volleyball! Mind you it is winter here...and the beach was like 60 degrees and the water even colder...BUT it was a lot of fun!!!
I am flying to Lima tomorrow (7/31) to take care of three to four days of paper work as I complete my resident visa and am able to get my carnet...finally!! School starts back up again on August 11th and I will be making my way to Pucallpa sometime in the beginning of September!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Two Trips and lots of Spanish…
Then, it was back to normal…studying Spanish. It seems I am learning a lot in the short month I have been here. I am excited to see what I learn the next two months – but also…the more I learn the more I realize how much I don’t know! So, please keep praying for my understanding of new words and have the opportunity to use them daily in speaking.
We (ten of us) took a short weekend trip on July 11 and 12th to the Colca Cayon. It is the deepest canyon in the world (twice the depth of the Grand Cayon). It was a five hour trip there from Arequipa. We went from 8,000 feet to a summit of 16,000 feet, then quickly descended to about 12,000 feet. We were able to hike around (huff huff huff…sigh) and see some pre-Inca ruins and some hot springs. Then we traveled another hour and a half up through the canyon to the spot of the Andien condors. The condors usually fly in the morning, but because of the way our trip was set up we only could go there in the afternoon. We got to see some condors. Then we had a four hour trip back to Arequipa…ascending quickly to 16,000 feet and descending all the way to 8,000 feet in Arequipa.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My Average Day
I usually get up around 7am and watch the news or Cartoon Network (in Spanish of course!) - both are really good for Spanish. I then head out the door at 8am and get on a combi, which is a small bus. The ride across town costs .70 soles which is about 23 cents. The combi is not really sized to fit Americans or at least Americans my size - most the time I am standing and chivalry is huge here especially to old women. The ride takes about 20 min or so.
I have a conversation class from 8:30-10:00 and a grammar class from 10:20-12:00. I then take the combi back to my neighborhood on the other side of town. I got a small gym membership and try to workout at least 4-5 times a week. Homework fills the afternoons and evenings - on top of living with Peruvians who correct you all the time - it really is a good thing.
I am making some progress and hope to be well advanced in my spanish by the time I leave in September. Arequipa is beautiful, though it is always cold here as soon as the sun goes down - and no one has heat. I have gotten "the chills" here a lot and found myself thinking of Jimmy Buffet's line "I wanna go where its warm!!!"
The next week I have to go to Arica, Chile to get my Peruvian resident visa. I know I know...its nuts...but once you apply for the visa and it clears...you have to exit the country to pick it up - luckily I am about a 7 hours drive from Chile.
I will try to post some pics this week of a combi and our institute.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Arequipa, Peru
Greetings from Arequipa! I am in Peru's second largest city 1,180,000 people. Arequipa is located in southern Peru at an elevation of about 8,200 feet. The picture above is of my plane at the airport and the volcano Chachani in the background. When I landed I got off the plane and noticed this towering mountain standing by itself - which I learned is called "Misti." Misti is another volcano that has not erupted since the 1700's and lets just hope that it stays that way. It is quite intimidating to see this monster perched over the city!
The reason I am in Arequipa and not Pucallpa is because I need to work on my Spanish! So, I am taking about three to four months of Spanish lessons. I go to school from 8:30 to 12:00 everyday - while having two sessions of Spanish - one being conversation and the other being grammar! I am staying with the program's director and his family.
I have included some pics of the house I am staying at as well as some street shots and of Misti the volcano!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
It has begun!
Hey there all!! Well it has begun!! I and my friend from my home church, Rob Magary came to Peru on Tuesday June 3rd. My thinking was to bring Rob here as a representitive of my home church in order to see what my ministry and Peru is really like.
We spent the night in Lima and on Wed. flew to Pucallpa, Peru (about 50 min flight). Rob and I were in Pucallpa Wed-Fri...where I showed him around SAM center and the surrounding communities. We traveled in motokars...eat in resturants...swam in the lake...rode in the back of a truck on a bumpy road...saw the Milkey Way with the Southern Cross...viewed an Inca ruin site in Lima and finally as a departing meal ate at Chili´s!
Now, Rob has flown to the states and is back in Gainesville and I am in Lima set to leave for Arequipa, Peru tomorrow to enter language school (in which I need much prayer!!) I will be in Arequipa for 3-4 months.
I am excited to get all this going! It was great to see everyone...and I am looking forward to all that God has set up!
Please comment here or email me... marshallkitron@hotmail.com
talk to you soon!! When I get some pics...I´ll post them!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Well - when I left for Suffolk, Virginia on Monday April 28, 2008 - I knew there was a possibility of bad weather - but when I landed (me being the weather nut that I am) was a little disappointed that there were no storms! Little did I know that in a matter of 90 minutes I was going to be within a few miles of an F3 twister!
The picture is of the F3 twister that went through the Suffolk, Virginia and of some damage to trees, buildings and a tree that fell on a house!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I Can Smell IT!
Have you ever gotten so excited about something that was just around the corner that you "could smell it!"? - Well that is how I feel as last night...sitting at 91% of what I need to return to Peru... I bought my ticket!!
My departure date is June 3rd out of Jacksonville, FL! I am also traveling with a member of my church as to show them Pucallpa, Peru so they can prepare our church for teams to come down!
A step of faith - I still need $350 in monthly support...so I am super excited to be "on the books!" and eagerly look forward to my return trip to Peru!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dear Baseball Fans...
Learning Times!!!
The first class was called "Effective Teams and Team Leaders" and the class I am now enrolled in at JAARS in Waxhaw, NC is a security seminar...both have been very good! I am enjoying my time here as I get to meet up with former missionaries from Pucallpa, Peru as I look forward to returning soon!
It is my dear hope to be back in Peru by the end of May/first part of June...that is the goal! After North Carolina...I am driving to Kentucky. I then will be making trips to Virginia and to Texas...hoping to gather the remaining support!
I will write something again soon...as to practice this blog thing!!!