Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Call of Duty....

Hey there....well, I had a curve ball tossed at me last week. As most of you know I am the missions pastor of the church here, as well as a youth pastor to the mk's, as well as a PE and high school bible teacher. But, what you may not know is that another one of my responsibilities for the mission is being a security officer. That entails lots, but when something goes wrong we (there are two of us) need to respond and be there.

Last weekend we had a family - studying language in Arequipa get their house robbed while they were out discussing the "stresses" in their lives. We decided as a mission to send someone to Arequipa to assist them in their time of need....and, that person would be me! Sooo...I have been in Arequipa (southern Peru) since Wed assisting the Listro family as they need. It has been a good time of encouraging them and giving council.

Answering God's call to his not always smooth sailing...things happen. Thefts here in Peru are numerous...and unless you are always on your guard you will get robbed or your house will get broken into. Sooo...when it does happen it shakes you. Being here with this family has been a blessing - to be able to assist them, talk with them, and encourage them with advice and knowledge of the city. They are a family of 7 (yep, that means 5 kids) learning language and heading to Pucallpa when finished.

For me - I return to Pucallpa tomorrow and pick up where I left off...teaching at the missionary kid school and beginning our first missions project for the church this coming weekend (one week from today!) Below is a picture ofSAM's common building that the church uses. Sooo...I am guiding the church to chip and scrape the old paint off and repaint the SAM building that the church uses weekly - the entire month of April!

We are looking to have high speed internet no later than the end of May on SAM Center....this will greatly help me in communicating with everyone!!!

Much love to you all....thank you for reading....


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