Hey all…Well in the last ten days I have been from Arequipa south to Tacna, Peru to cross the border and go to Arica, Chile in order to get my resident visa for Peru. I went with another SAM family and the going was great – the being in Arica, Chile was great…but the return trip had a little hiccup! We were in a nice vehicle and well it broke ALMOST in the middle of nowhere. We managed to limp back 10 miles south (lucky for us it was all down hill). Anyhow…found a mechanic who had to weld a nut onto a broken bolt (which was ¼ still inside the engine) in order to get it out. Needless to say it set us back about 5 hours. Thanks be to the Lord for his provision and timing of the mishap!
Then, it was back to normal…studying Spanish. It seems I am learning a lot in the short month I have been here. I am excited to see what I learn the next two months – but also…the more I learn the more I realize how much I don’t know! So, please keep praying for my understanding of new words and have the opportunity to use them daily in speaking.
We (ten of us) took a short weekend trip on July 11 and 12th to the Colca Cayon. It is the deepest canyon in the world (twice the depth of the Grand Cayon). It was a five hour trip there from Arequipa. We went from 8,000 feet to a summit of 16,000 feet, then quickly descended to about 12,000 feet. We were able to hike around (huff huff huff…sigh) and see some pre-Inca ruins and some hot springs. Then we traveled another hour and a half up through the canyon to the spot of the Andien condors. The condors usually fly in the morning, but because of the way our trip was set up we only could go there in the afternoon. We got to see some condors. Then we had a four hour trip back to Arequipa…ascending quickly to 16,000 feet and descending all the way to 8,000 feet in Arequipa.